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We are sorry this product is temporarily OUT OF STOCK. We are in the process of making more, please keep checking back. We usually get items back in stock within a few weeks.
We are sorry this product is temporarily OUT OF STOCK. We are in the process of making more, please keep checking back. We usually get items back in stock within a few weeks.
All fully comply with legislation governing the manufacture of cosmetics in the UK and Europe.
Soap recipes are independently lab tested and certified as safe for use. Labels use the appropriate latin-style INCI naming standards. Our weighing is carried out on trading-standards approved and inspected stamped scales.
Not all handmade soap sold in the UK meets these legal requirements.
PALM OIL and why we continue to use it - Key facts you should know:
- Palm Oil is the highest yielding vegetable oil crop per hectare, a boycott would simply move the problem elsewhere
- Palm Oil accounts for 37% of vegetable oil produced but is grown on less than 10% of land under vegetable oil crop cultivation
- 6 million people are dependent on palm oil for their livelihood and its cultivation has lifted many of these people out of poverty
- A UK or even European boycott of palm oil would result in fewer incentives for producers to adopt or continue with sustainable methods as India and China are the world's largest consumers of palm oil and are not yet committed to sourcing responsibly.
- Please be aware that the product you buy from us is RSPO certified at the Segregated (SG) level. This means that the palm oil used in it has come from RSPO accredited sources and has been kept segregated from non-accredited material throughout the supply chain. All of our products are made with sustainable palm oil.